Announcement Regarding Bank Bond And Discounted Bond Public Offering
Announcement regarding permission to change the Bank’s Article of Association
Announcement regarding Global Medium Term Notes program
Announcement regarding the Capital Markets Board’s approval to issue bank bonds
Garanti Bank’s Forward Looking Statements Regarding The Expectations for the Year 2016
Prospectus – Capital Markets Intermediary Note
Prospectus –Summary
Prospectus- Issuer Information Document
Announcement regarding CMB authorization to conduct investment services and activities
Announcement regarding the application to Capital Markets Board to issue bank bonds and discounted bonds
Announcement Regarding Changes to the Membership of Remuneration Committee and Establishment of Risk Committee
Announcement Regarding the Re-organization of the Head Office
Announcement regarding former public disclosures that are not yet resolved
Announcement regarding the revised Corporate Governance Rating
Announcement regarding administrative fine
Issuer Information Document
Prospectus – Summary
Announcement Regarding Syndicated Loan
Announcement regarding the application to Capital Markets Board and BRSA to issue bank bonds and/or debentures
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.