Announcement regarding the prospectus of warrants
Announcement regarding the Completion of Bond Issuance to be Sold Outside Turkey
Announcement regarding Eurobond issuance
Announcement regarding the bond issuance to be sold outside Turkey
Registration of the results of Ordinary General Shareholders'Meeting
Announcement regarding the Global Medium Term Notes Program
Announcement regarding issuance of bank bonds
Announcement regarding redemption of bank bonds
Announcement regarding results of bond issuance
Garanti Bank 2014 Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
Announcement regarding monthly floating rate coupon bond
Prospectus regarding public offering of bank bonds
Announcement regarding Capital Markets Intermediary Note (Prospectus)
Authorization of the Head Office regarding the contemplated future flow transactions under DPR program and treasury financing
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.