Announcement regarding loan agreement
Announcement regarding the application to Capital Markets Board to issue bank bonds
Announcement regarding the Global Medium Term Notes Program
Announcement Regarding the issuances under GMTN (Global Medium Term Notes) program
Announcement regarding the issuance of Garanti Bank bonds
Announcement regarding the redemption of Garanti bank bonds
The results of the public offering of the bank bonds
Announcement regarding the Capital Markets Board’s approval to issue bank bonds
Announcement Regarding the Issuance of Garanti bank Bond
Announcement Regarding Covered Bond Issuance
Announcement regarding the sale of non-performing loan portfolio
Announcement Regarding Global Medium Term Notes Program
Announcement Regarding the Public Offering of Covered Warrants
Announcement Regarding Head Office Organizational Changes
Announcement Regarding the issuance certificates under gmtn program
Announcement Regarding the Issuance Certificates under GMTN Program
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.