S&P Rating Withdrawa
Declaration of issuance approval - CMB Bulletin
Levent Yapılandırma Yönetimi A.Ş. Share Capital Increase and Change of Trade Name
Financial Advisory Mandate for sale of Levent Yapılandırma Yönetimi A.Ş. / Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. shares
Lawsuit abroad to which the Bank is a party
Debt Instrument Issuance Application
Changes in Top Management and the Board of Directors
Announcement regarding S&P Global Ratings
With regard to sale and transfer of non performing loans portfolio
Board Of Directors Decision About Issuing Subordinated Debt Securities and Authorization of Head Office for Necessary Operations
Announcement regarding Fitch Credit Ratings
Announcement regarding Moody’s Credit Ratings
About the annulment action filed against the Turkish Competition Board
Announcement regarding JCR Eurasia Credit Ratings
Regarding the Administrative Fine Imposed to Our Bank by Ministry of Trade
Announcement regarding Syndicated Loan Agreement
Registration and Publication of the Bank’s Trade Name
Covered Bond Program Yearly Renewal
Global and Medium Term Note Program Yearly Renewal
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.