Structured Note Issue to Qualified Investors
Announcement regarding the registration of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting Resolution
Book building of Bank bonds issuance to qualified investors
Announcement regarding former public disclosures that are not yet resolved
Information regarding the results of Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
CMB approval and completing the selling transaction of the debt instrument issued at abroad by our Bank
Announcement regarding sale and transfer of non performing loans portfolio
Transfer of our Bank’s Shares
Announcement Regarding Moody’s Ratings
TRSGRAN31719 ISIN- Redemption of the debt instrument
Distribution Results of Bank Bonds and Discounted Bonds to Qualified Investors
Announcement regarding loan agreement with European Investment Bank (EIB)
Announcement regarding prospectus – Summary
Prospectus – Issuer Information Document
Prospectus – Capital Markets Intermediary Note
Declaration of issuance approval – CMB Bulletin
Book building of Bank bonds and discounted bonds issuance to qualified investors
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.