Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System
In line with local regulations on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Garanti BBVA formed a specialized OHS Team in 2013 under HR and gave momentum to efforts in this field. Renamed the OHS Division in 2015, the unit carries on with its work throughout Turkey with a team of 41 (OHS experts, occupational physicians, occupational nurses). The Head Office OHS Division coordinates OHS requirements of all locations.
Realizing a first among its peers in Turkey, Garanti BBVA launched its OHS software in all its locations. Garanti BBVA uses this software to coordinate and monitor all processes including risk assessment, occupational health implementations, training programs, OHS Committees, near misses, workplace accidents and corrective and preventive actions.
Garanti BBVA ensures uninterrupted OHS communication by way of monitoring findings and recommendations on OHS in coordination with its lines of business, and collecting the opinions of employees through the OHS Employee Representatives in the locations. With this contex 606 corrective and preventive actions were discussed and implemented in 93 committee meetings held in 2021.
All documentation describing the Bank’s Occupational Health and Safety processes were compiled in an online booklet. The OHS Intranet page, which also covers this booklet, is redesigned in a more user-friendly format.
A database was created, which covers all the risks in all of the Bank’s locations as part of improving the Risk Assessment process. Hence, the Bank achieved progress in the standardization and tracking of defined risks.
Special technical training programs (Case Studies and Root Cause Analysis Training, Defensive Driving Training, etc.) were organized based on the outputs of the risk assessment process. Work was initiated to digitalize OHS training programs. Online OHS training was revised with a more interactive and effective content, and shared with all employees. 124,322 hours of training were given to all employees within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety training.
Periodic assessment were made with technical teams for improving the health and safety conditions of major projects such as G+ Project, Pendik Campus location, and many steps were taken to improve health and occupation conditions.
We consider the priorities and our quantitative and qualitative targets when creating and implementing occupational safety and health-related action plans, and we take the lead in fostering a culture that values health and safety.
Corrective and Preventive Action screens in the OHS software were developed and actions were monitored more effectively through periodic reporting with technical business lines. Improvements were made to team assignments within the scope of Emergency Management process, which was taken over from the Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Service. Online training began to be designed for the teams.
As part of furthering Occupational Health, studies and analyses of risk groups continued (examination of psychosocial risks, audio tests, etc.). A dedicated phone number was assigned as Emergency Healthcare Response at 5555 and put into service at Head Office buildings to give easier access to employees in case of need for emergency response from healthcare teams (occupational physician, occupational nurse, etc.) and to shorten the time for the teams to reach the site.
Work-Related Accidents
In 2021, there were 120 work-related accidents. None of them resulted in death.
Total Lost Working Days
The total lost working days were 66,147 days for women and 25.002 days for men in 2021. The total lost days data is collected on the basis of medical reports of sickness leave and injuries. The absentee rate of the Bank was 0.02 in 2021.