Personal Data Protection And Processing Policy

Personal Data Protection And Processing Policy

“We, as T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş., (“Bank”) are showing respect to and care for privacy and confidentiality rights of our clients, employees, suppliers, providers and all other people.

That is why this policy document (the “Policy”) regulating the rules followed and the norms and principles adopted in reliance upon the Personal Data Protection Law no. 6698 (the “Law”) put into force with a view to protecting your fundamental rights and freedoms, in respect of processing, use and protection of personal data acquired in the course of all kinds of banking activities and operations carried out by our Bank in strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, particularly the Banking Law, governing our Bank, has been prepared and issued, and as said, this Policy sets down the rules and principles required to be abided by our Bank with regard to personal data. This Policy is applicable primarily in our country where our Bank is active and operating, and also in other country where our Bank has banking operations and activities, to the extent permitted and allowed by the pertinent laws and regulations of the relevant country. Furthermore, the general principles set down in this document should be accepted as valid and applicable on the part of our affiliates as well. This means to say that our affiliates are expected to formulate their own policies in connection herewith parallel to the principles of this Policy.

The actions and measures which are not mentioned in this Policy document because of being characterized as Bank secrets and not disclosed to public therefor, and particularly, the actions and measures for security of personal data, as well as more detailed rules and provisions aimed at implementation of this Policy are set down in sub-procedures and processes, and in the Bank’s internal circulars, notifications and memoranda.

All employees of T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. and its affiliates are, if they process any personal data in the course of their business activities and operations, obligated to comply with the general law norms, and the Law, and the rules set down in this Policy document.

The information note published by our Bank as a requirement of its public disclosure obligations arising out of article 10 of the Law may be retrieved by clicking here.

The explicit consent approved by the customer can be withdrawn at any time. The customer can withdraw his/her explicit consent by using the opt-out option through the bank's Customer Contact Center. Explicit consent is obtained for processing customers' personal data for secondary purposes. The customer may or may not give this explicit consent, primarily during the customer onboarding process. The rate of explicit consent as of June 2024 is 92.59 percent.

Our Bank further applies policies and procedures in respect of data security and sharing rules.

All principles and applications regulated and adopted in this Policy document are being supported by other documents referred to in the preceding paragraph. You can find the complete document here.