Issuance of Structured Bonds to Qualified Investors
Prospectus - Summary
Prospectus - Capital Markets Instrument Note
Regarding the Sale of Non-Performing Loans Portfolio
Announcement regarding Syndicated Loan Agreement
Board of Directors resolution regarding the foreign debt instrument issue limit
Bond, Subordinated Debts, that can be included in the Equity Calculation Debt Instrument Issuance CMB Application
About Rumours on our Bank's shares
Coupon Rate of Subordinated Debt Securities to Qualified Investors
Redemption of the debt instrument at abroad within the Medium Term Note (MTN) program
CMB Approval for Bond Issuance to Foreign Markets
BRSA Consolidated Earnings Presentation dated 31 March 2024
Bond, subordinated debts, that can be included in the equity calculation debt instrument issuance CMB Application
Prospectus - Issuer Information Document
Announcement regarding borrowing instruments issuances limit
Coupon payment of Subordinated Debt Securities to Qualified Investors
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.