Prospectus - Capital Markets Instrument Note
Prospectus - Summary
Announcement regarding Syndicated Loan Agreement
BBVA’s application to the CMB for the voluntary tender offer
Proposed voluntary tender offer process by BBVA
Coupon payment of Bank Bonds to Qualified Investors
Global and Medium Term Note Program Yearly Renewal
About the annulment action filed against the Turkish Competition Board
Coupon payment of Covered Bonds to Qualified Investors
Determination of Independent Audit Company
Disclosure Regarding News or Rumors
Announcement regarding JCR Euriasia Rating Credit Ratings
Announcement regarding forward looking expectations
Announcement regarding Corporate Governance Rating Agreement
Announcement regarding borrowing instruments issuances limit
Declaration of issuance approval - Borsa İstanbul
Regarding the Capital Increase of Garanti Holding B.V., 100% subsidiary of Our Bank
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.