Prospectus – Issuer Information Document
Announcement regarding financing from international markets
About the acquisition of the shares in Levent Yapılandırma Yönetimi A.Ş.
Regarding the Transfer of Türk Telekom Shares Owned by Ojer Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
Revision of the Disclosure Policy
Announcement regarding the revised Corporate Governance Rating
Announcement Regarding the Mortgage Covered Bond Programme
Regarding the Applications to the Capital Markets Board for the Mortgage Covered Bond Issuance
Debt Instrument Issuance Application
Prospectus - Summary
Prospectus – Capital Markets Instrument Note
Issuance of debt instrument abroad under the Bank's Medium Term Note program
Announcement regarding former public disclosures that are not yet resolved
Announcement due to the Communiqué on Material Events Disclosure article 23 clause 7
Board Of Directors Decision About Issuing Debt Instruments and Authorization of Head Office for Necessary Operations
Announcement Regarding Fitch Credit Ratings
Announcement regarding Moody’s Credit Ratings
Lawsuit abroad to which the Bank is a party
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.