Profit Distribution on 2008 Net Earnings
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting
Garanti signed €20 million loan agreement
Garanti secured €50 million subordinated loan
Appointment of Executive Vice President
Change in the Board of Directors
$215 million and €282 million dual tranche and dual currency term loan
Announcement regarding Regional Expansion
Announcement regarding Japan Credit Rating Agency Assignment
Announcement regarding EUR 200 mn DPR Securitisation
Announcement regarding DPR Securitisation programme
The Registration of the New Issued Capital
Authorization of the Head Office to undertake the registration operations post completion of the Capital Increase
Regarding the Completion of the Sale of Unexercised Rights
Announcement regarding trade finance agreement with China
Information regarding the unexercised rights and rump offer period
Announcement regarding Founder Shares
Clarification regarding Regional Expansion in Ukraine
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.