Prospectus - Summary

Prospectus - Summary

Regarding our previously approved issuances of bank bonds on Feb 26, 2016, in the nominal amount of TL 50,000,000 with a maturity of 94 days, and discounted bonds in the nominal amount of TL 250,000,000 with a maturity of 370 days, our application to the Capital Markets Board which has been made pursuant to the revising of price fixing method and maturity and the extension of Book-building for 2 days (11-14 March 2016) is approved by  Board on Mar 11, 2016

Pursuant to our statement on  PDP on Mar 10 2016 , the revised “Summary” approved by the Capital Markets Board on Mar 11, 2016, regarding the public offering of bank bonds in the nominal amount of TL 50,000,000 with a maturity of 90 days  and discounted bond in the nominal amount of TL 250,000,000 with a maturity of 366 days is enclosed herewith.

It has been indicated in Capital Markets Boards Communique numbered II-5-1 that, investors who have filed a demand to purchase capital market instruments before publication of amendments or editions shall, within two business days following the date of publication thereof, be entitled to withdraw their demands. The period set forth in this paragraph may be determined and applied as a longer period by the issuer and/or the public offerer, provided that it is duly stated in the prospectus.

In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Prospectus - Summary


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