TR0GRAN00HE1 ISIN-Redemption of the Structured Note
TR0GRAN00HF8 ISIN-Redemption of the Structured Note
Announcement regarding Distribution Results of Bank Bonds to Qualified Investors
TR0GRAN00F64 ISIN-Redemption of the Structured Note
Announcement regarding Structured Note Issue to Qualified Investors
Announcement Regarding Book Building of Bank Bonds Issuance to Qualified Investors
Announcement Regarding the Mortgage Covered Bond Programme
TR0GRAN00GP9 ISIN- Redemption of the Structured Note
TR0GRAN00GR5 ISIN-Redemption of the Structured Note
Announcement regarding financing within the international borrowing program
Announcement regarding the Applications to the Capital Markets Board for the Mortgage Covered Bond Issuance
TR0GRAN00GG8 ISIN-Redemption of the Structured Note
Distribution Results of Bank Bonds to Qualified Investors
TR0GRAN00GC7 ISIN- Redemption of the Structured Note
With regard to sale and transfer of non performing loans portfolio
Announcement regarding former public disclosures that are not yet resolved
Garanti BBVA's public disclosures regarding domestic debt instruments issuance and redemptions released to Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) can be found on KAP website.