Announcement regarding borrowing instruments issuances limit

Announcement regarding borrowing instruments issuances limit

It was announced with our Bank’s public disclosures stated in the reference that, on its meeting held on June 1, 2023, the Board of Directors has resolved to issue subject to market conditions, bond or the green and/or sustainable borrowing instruments up to US$2,000,000,000 in total or equivalent in TL or in any other foreign currency, with different series and maturities and fixed and/or floating interest rates to be determined in accordance with market conditions at the time of issuance, to be sold outside Turkey in one or more issuances without public offering, and the relevant application process to the transaction has been initiated with the Capital Markets Board ("CMB") on June 20, 2023. It was announced in the weekly bulletin of the numbered 2023/50 that the above-mentioned application has been approved by the CMB 

Announcement regarding borrowing instruments issuances limit


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