We are molding our business model around our purpose spelled out as “to bring the age of opportunity to everyone”.
Garanti BBVA focuses on making banking services available to its customers at any time through any channel they choose, and on delivering them a seamless and uninterrupted experience on each channel.
Blending technology and humanistic elements, the Bank aims to make life easier for its customers, pursue their financial health, help them make the right financial decisions, support them grow their businesses sustainably, and bring its financial services to everyone.
Always imagining and designing the future and striving to be unprecedented in what it offers, Garanti BBVA considers raising competent, well educated, responsible, and ethical banking professionals who think big and are respectful of the society and the environment as an indispensable part of the sustainability of its business model.
Putting digitalization at the heart of its business model, Garanti BBVA targets to lead the transformation of the sector, to command state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, and to be efficient and productive in all of its service channels. To this end, the Bank continues to revamp and simplify its business processes, enhance customer experience and automatize its processes, while securing operational efficiency in keeping with its principle of continuous improvement.
Integrating the opportunities presented by advancing technology and data resources in its business model, Garanti BBVA interprets big data groups and adopts a more analytical approach to customer management. The Bank also uses these outputs in its organizational model, and thus achieves more analytical business results.
Adopting lean method approaches to execute its projects in order to quickly cater to evolving customer expectations and to accommodate advancing technology in its business model, combining the means technological infrastructure has to offer with its vast experience, and aiming to address everybody, Garanti BBVA now defines productivity as the main pillar of its business model. For this purpose, Garanti integrates all the means offered by technological advancements and by the digital world into the ecosystem it has created, and addresses innovative solutions using agile methods, ultimately pioneering the industry in transformation projects.
The employee teams working to achieve the objectives accompanying Garanti BBVA’s transition to agile business take full responsibility for their efforts, and they are constructing the products and services according to customer feedback. This allows Garanti BBVA to focus on offering solutions that optimally fulfill current and future customer needs. In this new business model, employees are inspired and motivated by a single target.
Having espoused the principle of gaining insight into customers and taking each and every step with the perspective of “our priority is our customers”, Garanti BBVA promotes collaboration with the “one team” point of view. The Bank supports fulfillment of customer demands in the fastest manner possible through consolidated teams that can take action, drawing on its business model driven by an inspiring and innovative mindset that also exceeds expectations.