The results of the public offering of the bank bonds

The results of the public offering of the bank bonds

In accordance with the circular approval of Capital Markets Board of Turkey dated May 09, 2013, T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. has been authorized to issue bank bonds in the aggregate nominal amount of TL 750 million; consisting of bank bonds in the nominal amount of TL 450 million with a maturity of 91 days, bank bonds in the nominal amount of TL 150 million with a maturity of 133 days and discounted bank bonds in the nominal amount of TL 150 million with a maturity of 369 days, and to increase the amount of public offering from the nominal amount of TL 750 million to the nominal amount of TL 900 million in case of excess demand.

On May 15, 2013, the issue price of the Bank Bond with a maturity of 91 days was determined as TL 98,883, at a simple yield of 4.53088% and a compound yield of 4.60852%, the issue price of the Bank Bond with a maturity of 133 days was determined as TL 98,317, at a simple yield of 4.69782% and a compound yield of 4.76826%, and the issue price of the discounted Bank Bond with a maturity of 369 days was determined as TL 94,667, at a simple yield of 5.57236% and a compound yield of 5.57069%.

As a result of book building dated May 13-14-15, the total demand from the investors for the bank bonds and discounted bank bonds in the total nominal amount of TL 750 million was in the nominal amount of TL 786,963,515. The amount of total issuance is increased to 786,963,515TL.

The issuance and allocation amounts of the bank bonds regarding the public offering and the number of investors who gained the right to buy bank bonds and discounted bonds are presented in the attached table.

We declare that our above statements are in conformity with the principles included in the Board’s Communiqué, Serial VIII Nr. 54., that it exactly reflects the information we received; that the information complies with our records, books and documents; that we did our best to obtain the correct and complete information relative to this subject and that we are responsible for the declarations made in this regard.

The results of the public offering of the bank bonds


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