The issuance of Garanti bank bonds

The issuance of Garanti bank bonds

The circular regarding the public offering of the Garanti Bank bonds and debentures in the total nominal amount of TL 750 million (in case of excess demand, the amount of public offering will be increased to the nominal amount of TL 950 million), which was approved by the Capital Markets Board on November 5, 2012, was published at the Public Disclosure platform

The ISIN Code, compound yield, simple yield and issue price of T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. bonds with a maturity of 91 days and a maturity date of February 11, 2013, are determined as follows:

  • ISIN code TRQGRAN21326
  • Compound Yield: 6.48353%;
  • Simple Yield: 6.33147% ;
  • Issue Price: 98.446

The ISIN Code, compound yield, simple yield and issue price of T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. bonds with a maturity of 179 days and a maturity date of May 10, 2013, are determined as follows:

  • ISIN code TRQGRAN51315;
  • Compound Yield: 6.84092%;
  • Simple Yield: 6.72561%;
  • Issue Price: 96.807

The ISIN Code, compound yield, simple yield and issue price of T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. debentures with a maturity of 368 days and a maturity date of November 15, 2013, are determined as follows:

  • ISIN code TRSGRANK1315;
  • Compound Yield: 7.32593%;
  • Simple Yield: 7.32809%;
  • Issue Price: 93.120

The issuance of Garanti bank bonds


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