Announcement regarding the issuance of corporate bond

Announcement regarding the issuance of corporate bond

It has been announced on April 4th, 2011, it has been decided by our bank to initiate all necessary operations regarding the issuance of bank bonds in the amount of TL 750 million with a maturity of 176 days by public offering, determination of the maturity, interest rate, distribution and allocation of this issuance, conclusion of sales process and listing of the issuance on Istanbul Stock Exchange. It has been announced that our bank has made necessary application to Capital Markets Board as of April 01, 2011 for the issuance of bank bonds.Our application was registered by Capital Markets Board. Updated prospectus and offering circular which have been approved by Capital Markets Board will be published later

Book building of Garanti Bank bond with a 176-day maturity will take place on April 18-19-20, 2011.

Announcement regarding the issuance of corporate bond



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