Announcement regarding permission to change the Bank’s Article of Association
Announcement regarding permission to change the Bank’s Article of Association
At the meeting of board of directors dated 14.01.2016,
Since the Registered Capital Ceiling permission granted by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey to the Bank will expire by the end of 2016, it was decided to authorize the Head Office to amend Article 7 of the Bank’s Articles of Association in accordance with the draft amendment attached hereto in order to extend the date of the Registered Capital Ceiling permission to the end of the year 2020 and to authorize the Head Office to file necessary applications to the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Capital Markets Board of Turkey and the other relevant official authorities in order to conclude the above-mentioned process and execute any and all operations related thereto.
The “old” and “new” version of article to be amended in Bank’s Article of Association is attached.
In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.