Announcement regarding issuance of bank bonds
Announcement regarding issuance of bank bonds
The Summary, Capital Markets Instrument Note and Amendments to Issuer Information Document, which were approved by the Capital Markets Board regarding the public offering of Garanti Bank Bonds and discounted bonds in the total nominal amount of 300,000,000TL (in case of excess demand, it will be increased to 450,000,000 TL), have been announced on Public Disclosure Platform on Jan.08, 2016.
The details relating to the issues are determined as below.
122-day maturity, dated 16/05/2016, Garanti Bank Bond;
- ISIN Code TRQGRAN51620;
- Annual Compound Rate 11.16157%;
- Simple Rate 10.77080%;
- Issue Price 96.525
370-day maturity, dated 19/01/2017, Discounted Bond;
- ISIN Code TRSGRAN11729;
- Annual Compound Rate 11.54603%;
- Simple Rate 11.55484%
- Issue Price 89.515
In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.