Announcement regarding T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. bank bond and discounted bond public offering

Announcement regarding T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. bank bond and discounted bond public offering

Pursuant with the Capital Markets Board approval dated Jan.29, 2016; T.Garanti Bankası A.Ş has been authorized regarding (i) the public offering 94-day maturity bank bonds in the nominal amount of 300,000,000 TL, 160-day maturity bank bonds in the nominal amount of 100,000,000 TL and 370-day discounted bonds in the nominal amount of 300,000,000 TL (in total 700,000,000 TL nominal amount) and, (ii) the increase of the public offering issuance amount up to a nominal amount of 1.000,000,000 TL, in case of an excess demand from investors.

On Feb. 11, 2016 Simple Interest Rate of 94-day Bank Bonds has been determined as 10.46759%, Compound Interest Rate as 10.88128% and Selling Price as 97.375 TL, Simple Interest Rate of 160-day Bank Bonds has been determined as 10.56689%, Compound Interest Rate as 10.88180% and Selling Price as 95.573 TL and Simple Interest Rate of 370-day Discounted Bonds has been determined as 11.50438%, Compound Interest Rate as 11.49566% and Selling Price as 89,556 TL.

The demand and distribution amounts related to the public offering on the basis of investor groups and the details of the number of investors who became entitled to take bank bonds and discounted bonds are presented in the table below.

In contradiction between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Announcement regarding T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş. bank bond and discounted bond public offering


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