Investment in Human Capital
Breakdown based on Nationality of employees
Breakdown based on, please specify: Nationality of employees |
Share in total workforce (as % of total workforce) |
Share in all management positions, including junior, middle and senior management (as % of total management workforce) |
Category name: Turkish |
92.9 |
95.8 |
Category name: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus |
0.3 |
0.3 |
Category name: The rest of the World |
6.8 |
3.9 |
Occupational Health and Safety
Having given momentum to its efforts in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) by forming a dedicated team in 2013 under Human Resources, Garanti BBVA has been coordinating the health and safety requirements of all locations via this organization which was renamed the OHS Division in 2015. Adopting the national legislation as the minimum standard and benchmarking itself against international norms and best practices, Garanti BBVA carries on with its activities throughout Turkey with a team of 44 (OHS experts, occupational physicians, occupational nurses).
Having crowned its implementations with the International Safety Award by the British Safety Council, one of the world’s most eminent authorities in health and safety, this year, Garanti BBVA moves forward with its vision that adopts the national legislation as the minimum standard and benchmarks itself against the best practices in the world. The Bank has upgraded employee health and well-being with its precise and successful emergency management practices in relation to the pandemic and earthquake in 2020. With the OHS team organized under Talent and Culture in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations, Garanti BBVA will continue to effectively coordinate processes including risk assessment, occupational health implementations, training programs, OHS Committees, near misses, workplace accidents, corrective actions, emergency plans and drills at all locations.
Having realized a first among its peers and digitalized all of its OHS processes, Garanti BBVA has been using its OHS software in all its locations since 2013. Garanti BBVA uses this software to coordinate and monitor all processes including risk assessment, occupational health implementations, training programs, OHS Committees, near misses, workplace accidents, corrective actions, emergency plans and drills.
Total Lost Working Days*
The absentee rate of the Bank was %1.2 in 2023.
Employees |
% of total days scheduled |
1.38 |
1.52 |
1.6 |
1.2 |
Data Coverage |
Percentage of Employees |
91 |
91 |
91 |
91 |
*Our target for the absentee rate is 1.6% for year 2023.