Declaration of Human Rights

In keeping with its responsible and sustainable banking approach, Garanti Bank aims to create a working environment that is modern and fully respectful of human rights and to extend this approach to all of its stakeholders.
In addition to the legislation that governs working life in Turkey, Garanti Bank is focused on ensuring compliance with and satisfying the requirements imposed by relevant international covenants to which Turkey is a signatory; chief among them,

  • the principles set forth in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and,
  • the basic tenets of the International Labor Organization, a specialized United Nations agency working to promote human rights, social justice, and labor rights.

In 2012, Garanti Bank voluntarily signed the United Nations Global Compact principles, an international initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten principles addressing sustainability in all its aspects including human rights, and pledged itself to abide by these principles. As a signatory to the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative’s (UNEP FI) Statement of Commitment by Financial Institutions on Sustainable Development, Garanti Bank has also committed to integrating environmental and social factors in all its business processes, beyond compliance with existing regulations.

In accordance with Garanti Bank’s Ethical Principles, Garanti Bank employees are obliged to conduct their relationships with each other in a way that will not disrupt the work climate and will not be perceived as harassment, discrimination or mistreatment in or out of the work place.

Garanti Bank Managers are obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent mistreatment, discrimination or harassment of any type in the work place and to report suspected cases to the Human Resources Department. In addition, Employees are asked to report their grievances in this area to their line managers or directly to the Human Resources Department.

Such complaints are not used against the complainant and are addressed and resolved with due importance. Administrative sanctions required by the Bank’s internal procedures are implemented against perpetrators of all types of mistreatment, discrimination or harassment or actions to cover up such behavior.

In compliance with equal opportunity principles, Garanti Bank does not discriminate against its employees. The fundamental criterion for choosing, promoting, or reassigning a person for a post is their suitability. Garanti Bank has received the Equal Opportunity Model certificate, which is a voluntary initiative.

Garanti Bank respects the constitutional right regarding unionization and collective labor contracts. All employees are free with respect to union membership and act of their own free will.

Garanti Bank takes utmost care to provide a physically and mentally healthy working environment for its employees. It takes the necessary precautions prescribed in applicable regulations on Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and provides training to its employees. In addition to the measures taken and trainings provided to the employees, Garanti Bank has implemented the Good Work/Life Relation program in 2012 for the purpose of enhancing employee satisfaction.

In accordance with Garanti Bank’s Environmental and Social Loan Policies, operations which are determined to be banned or restricted by national legislation and/or international agreements to which Turkey is a party as well as the operations or projects of individuals and companies found to employ child labor or who violate human rights will not be financed, without carrying out any environmental and social impact evaluation and applying limits.

Garanti Bank subjects new projects with an investment value of more than 10 million US dollars to its Environmental and Social Impact Assessment System and requests stakeholder involvement meetings to be held effectively if it deems necessary. Should Garanti Bank identify any social risks, including those associated with human rights, in the course of its assessment, it requests that necessary measures are taken and monitors the implementation throughout the duration of the loan.

Garanti Bank’s product and service contracts with third parties are managed in accordance with relevant regulations and the Bank’s policies and procedures. Garanti Bank seeks compliance with Turkish legislation, particularly the Turkish Labor Code where necessary, and reserves the right to cancel contracts in the event of a non-compliance with regulations providing for worker protection.

Garanti Bank adopts as a basic principle that its employees shall not be engaged in discrimination on the grounds of language, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, philosophical disposition, religion, sect, or any other similar basis in their working relationships and expects them to respect human rights. Garanti Bank is against forced labor and expects the same approach from its customers as set forth in various declarations policies.

Garanti Bank provides remote trainings for its employees on its Ethical Principles, Environmental and Social Loan Policies, and other policies and procedures of a similar nature concerning human rights. The responsibility for the implementation of these policies rests with all employees of the Bank, and the control and supervision of their implementation are conducted by the related departments. Garanti Bank supports the activities of national and international initiatives on sustainability to which it is a member in order to spread these principles.

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for approving and putting into effect this declaration, its amendment and improvement.

Human Rights Risk Assessment

Garanti conducts a sophisticated human rights due diligence process for its value chain. You may find below the Human Rights Risk Assessment framework.


Issues Mitigation

Child labor

Violation of human rights

Violation of Code of Conduct

Occupational Health & Safety

Health risks

Economic and social losses due to expropriator

Forced labor

Hard Controls:
All Customers including, Retail, Private, SME, Commercial and Corporate Customers
(1) Additional clauses to Banking Service Agreements

Risk-based Assessment for Comm. & Corp. Customers:
(2) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Model for loans with minimum investment amount of US$10 million
(3) Action Plans
(4) Monitoring Plans

Soft Controls:
(5) Env. and Soc. Impact Assessment Trainings

Human Resources



Violation of Code of Conduct

Occupational Health & Safety issues

Hard Controls:
(6) Garanti Bank Code of Conduct
(7) Whistleblowing Channel
(8) HR Internal Systems Control Mechanism
(9) Integrity Committee
(10) Audit Committee

Soft Controls:
(11) Gender Equality Working Group
(12) Gender Equality Trainings
(13) Communication Strategy
(14) Employee Support Hotline

Supply Chain

Child labor

Violation of Code of Conduct

Occupational Health & Safety issues

Forced labor

Hard Controls:

(15) Garanti Bank Code of Conduct for Suppliers
(16) Garanti Bank Code of Conduct
(17) Garanti Bank Support Services Risk Assessment Program
(18) Audit Committee
(19) Additional clauses to Service Agreements

Soft Controls:
(20) Communication of Code of Conduct 

The mitigation measures numbered (1) and (2) include all the criteria indicated in Garanti Bank’s E&S Loan Policies in addition to human rights issues. The measures mentioned are applicable to all commercial loans.

The mitigation measures numbered (3), (4), (5), (6) include all the relevant E&S criteria as required in our E&S Impact Assessment Model.