Supporting SMEs & Entrepreneurs

At Garanti BBVA, as part of our sustainability strategy's other main pillar, inclusive growth, we have been treating entrepreneurs as a separate customer group for many years.

Through the Garanti BBVA Partners Entrepreneur Acceleration Program, which contributes to the sustainability of ventures, SMEs, and growing businesses, we provide support such as office space, mentorship, investment readiness, marketing, and education to early-stage entrepreneurs who create high added value. Additionally, a total of 56 entrepreneurs were provided with networking and collaboration support tailored to the entrepreneurship ecosystem through this program.

SME Banking in 2023;

  • >TL 27bn Financing to women-owned businesses
  • 22.8%** Market share in SME loans (+228 bps YoY)
  • TL 150 mn Total investment to 56 startups
  • 32.2% Share of SME loans in TL Loans per BRSA definition
  • TL SME Loans share in TL Loans 30.9%
  • TL SME  Loan Market Share among private Banks 22.78%
  • % Share of micro loans in SME 27.5%
  • SME-Micro Loan Market Share among private Banks 21.92%

** SME loans per BRSA definition, market share among private banks

2024 Strategic Priorities

  • Continue to work for helping SMEs, the backbone of the national economy, attain sustainable growth and financial health, in addition to the financial support provided
  • Expand the set of products and transactions offered digitally to SME customers
  • Keep expanding the collaborations with the best-in-class companies for the needs of our SME customers
  • Supporting the development of more women entrepreneurs, to promote their success and to facilitate their access to new markets and opportunities for their sustainability
  • Be the solution partner bank in the lifecycles of startups and technoentrepreneurs
  • Meet with the customers regarding the “Green Deal” to pave the way for sustainable investments